Last week saw a large gathering of people from far and wide as we paid our last respects to QPR and England stalwart Denis George Gristwood. Known to everyone at Loftus Road as ‘George’, he certainly left his mark in W12. So much so that the funeral cortege took a massive detour from George’s home Continue reading
Category: Fanzone
In Memory of Derrick Broome
Following the sad news that Derrick had passed away, Julie Bennett’s moving tribute later appeared in the Huddersfield match programme: ‘Derrick was king of the one-liners, including: “This is my last season”, announced for the last umpteen years when arriving for a trip at some unearthly hour, saying thank you for a saved seat, returning Continue reading
In Memory of Ray (Nutty) Levell: 16th February 1948 – 8th August 2022
We first met Ray when our lads played in Rangers’ Centre of Excellence and over the years we became the best of friends, including his partner, Tina. So many memories of Ray and we can absolutely say one thing, he was hysterical! He made us laugh and smile all the time. We can’t think of Continue reading
In Memory of Alan Jefferiss
I was very sad to hear of the recent passing of Alan Jefferiss, aka ‘AJ’ or ‘X Factor’ to his many friends. Football and music were Alan’s major interests. He followed Rangers all over the country and was never happier if there was a jukebox or a karaoke machine on. He would be the first Continue reading
In Memory of Nicholas Donnelly
A recent match programme reported that the actor Nicholas Donnelly, had sadly passed away in early January. I was aware that he had appeared in the popular TV drama, ‘Dixon of Dock Green’ but I didn’t know that he was also a lifelong R’s fan. Nick was born in 1938 and grew up in Notting Continue reading
In Memory of our Mate, Keith Davies – ‘He will always be there at the Rangers, Part of the Pre-Match Conversation…’
The very sad passing away of top QPR man and great bloke, Keith Davies sadly came as no surprise. With heart, bowel cancer and movement problems, especially over the last 2/3 years, Keith did so well to get to home games with difficulty, up until the 2019/20 season, pre-Covid. I met Keith in 1964. We Continue reading
My First Rangers Match: QPR (2) – Southampton (2) – 8thNovember 1958
I attended my first ever Rangers match on 8th November 1958 when the R’s took on the Saints at Loftus Road. We were still living in Rylett Road, Shepherd’s Bush at the time and Dad took me for the short journey to the game. I don’t recall very much about the match, but I do Continue reading
In Memory of Michael ‘Mick’ Ellicott
Mick was born on 19th June 1954 and grew up in Yew Tree Road on the Flowers Estate, London W12. He sadly passed away on 20th July. Mick was well known to many R’s fans. I would have first bumped into him in the Loft in the 1970’s and then regularly all over the country Continue reading
In Memory of Paul Shepherd
I first remember Paul from the old Loft days in the 1960’s and sadly, the last time was to be two years ago in St. Mellitus Church for Emily Capell’s gig there as part of the Hanwell Hootie Music Festival. It was at the Cambridge pre-season away game in July that I learned of Paul’s Continue reading
6th August 2005 at the KC Stadium: “It changed what had been a great Atmosphere”
On 6th August 2005, the R’s travelled to the then KC Stadium, for the opening match of the season. ‘The Times’ reported on the infamous chanting that afternoon from a section of home fans to our left: ‘Adam Pearson, the Hull City chairman, had pledged to conduct a “full and thorough” investigation in conjunction with Continue reading