Towards the end of a newspaper article from October 1898, “TRABBOTS” mentioned: ‘That the song written by Mr Dibsdale about Queen’s Park Rangers is very popular.’
Unfortunately, no other information about it has come to light, but I then remembered something that appeared in the ‘Club Notes’ of the Bristol City match programme in March 1963:
‘Secretary John Smith tells me several supporters have kindly responded to his plea for old documents to help his club history.
Some of the old handbooks and cuttings are so fascinating that his office has become more like the local reading room.
My favourite was an old song sheet with a Rangers rallying cry entitled, “The Lads in Green and White”. The chorus runs:
“They are the Rangers, the Gallant Rangers,
The men to lead the way,
Pride of the West, you’re equal to the best,
And out to win today,”
“So, Buck up Rangers!”, the only Rangers,
You’re spoiling for a fight,
And you’re rivals great and small you can put against the wall,
Our lively little lads in green and white”
I wonder if a copy of the song sheet still exists somewhere?
Apparently, it was from a few years later in 1902, so it could well be a different song?

Charles Dibsdale also wrote the song: ‘All’s Well!’ and I noticed that it was sung by Will Newman, a comedian from Hammersmith.
The Kensington News & West London Times reported in February 1895 that Charles sang a couple of songs at the Christ Church Hall, for the North Kensington Postmen Cricket Club Annual Supper.
Steve Russell
(Thanks to Colin Woodley for his assistance)