Issue No.5 of the Club Newspaper, the ‘Ranger’, dated Jan/Feb 1984, reported on the occasion when a group of R’s fans came to the assistance of Club photographer Keith Creckendon, who had broken down on the motorway, en route to the match at Leicester: Headlined: ‘Motorway rescue fans keep ‘Ranger’ in the picture!’ it reads:
‘Club photographer Keith Creckendon was heading up the motorway to cover the Leicester game when gear change problems threatened to leave him stranded.
The friendly away fans recognised Keith’s plight and waited at a slip road to offer assistance. Luckily the problem didn’t stop Keith from limping to the City Stadium at Filbert Street, but it’s great to know help was standing by.
Many thanks gents.’
Some well-known faces there! They must have been travelling up to the game on Christmas Eve, which Rangers lost 2-1. Terry Fenwick scored our goal from the penalty spot.
Steve Russell
Brings back memories. I think that the game may have been played on New Year’s Day. I recognise Dino Ortenzi, Mark Hopwood, Steve Washbourne, Frot, Trev and Pete Kingham, Alan Young, Neil, Ultan Kenny. I’m the one in the Wembley market sheepskin.
I beleave it was boxing day 1983 dave and i was only 19