My first Independent R’s badge became available at the end of February. It was limited to just 100 and to date around half of these have been sold. The badge commemorates the first Walk to Wembley forty years ago.
They are available from me at ¬£3.00 each on match days and if ordered by post, please add on ¬£1.00 for postage and packing.Cheques to be made out to, ‘Independent R’s’ and send to:
91 Eastcote Lane, South Harrow, Middlesex, HA2 8RN.
I have designed two further badges for 2007 and the next one should be available in a few weeks.
Steve Russell
I like the look of that badge , my cheques in the post !
You knew I’d want one didn’t you! 😉
Twelve quid in the post. Plus a bit for you to donate wherever. Hope that’s enough. As and when they are made you can send them to me.
Best regards Steve
That is a really cool badge! My cheque is (also) in the post!
Alright Steve. Any new(or old)pin badges you get, will you keep them for me. See you next season mate!