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Where Are They Now??

Post by steveqpr881 »

A new feature, in which we find out what ex-Rangers men
are up to these days:
No. 1 - Harry Redknapp.
Cut this out of a newspaper last week-
"Harry at Becher's
Harry Redknapp's horse 'Back On The Lash' was heavily backed, but pulled up
at Becher's Brook second time round.
Punters fancied the former West Ham & Spurs* gaffer's charge, thinking he
would like the going at Aintree.
He was also pulled up at the Cheltenham Festival in his last race, probably
due to soft ground."
Or maybe he had a dodgy knee?? Sandra!

* - nice to see, no mention of the Rs!
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Re: Where Are They Now??

Post by steveqpr881 »

No. 2, Peter Crouch.
Taken from the currant bun:
Pete's Snore Loser
Peter Crouch has had growths in his nose removed, but says it has changed his voice.
The former England striker has had nasal polyps treated - four years after he first had them done.
He's now waiting for his speech to return to normal but hopes having the non-cancerous growths removed
will have cured his snoring - which annoys his wife, model Abbey Clancy, 37.
Peter, 42, told a podcast: "I had an operation and I sound like I'm underwater. Next week I'll be clear.
But I don't think it will change that drastically - I'll still sound dopey."

When once asked, if he hadn't become a footballer, what he would have been,
he famously replied "A virgin."
Last edited by steveqpr881 on Mon Jul 24, 2023 8:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Where Are They Now??

Post by steveqpr881 »

No. 3, David Seaman:
ex-Rs & England goalie David Seaman was in action last night -
as a judge at The National Cat Awards!!
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Re: Where Are They Now??

Post by steveqpr881 »

No. 4: Rs fan, pete_ranger & Mod on the old offy m/b, creator of MadRangersFans -
yes, it's our very own Pete Higgs*
This is taken from yesterday's paper, re. the British Museum thefts:
"A staff member dismissed in connection with the disappearance of the
artefacts has been named as Peter Higgs, a senior curator at the museum......" :o

* - Disclaimer: may not be the same Pete Higgs, libel lawyers please note!
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Re: Where Are They Now??

Post by steveqpr881 »

No.5, Brian Law. Saw this in the paper last week;
all about people unfortunate enough to live in flats with Grenfell-style cladding:
"Former Wales footballer Brian Law, 53, owns a 3-bed penthouse in Birmingham.
When he retired from professional football, which included stints at Wolves,
QPR and Millwall he hoped his savings would help to see him through. But in 2019
he was informed he would be required to pay £38,000 for cladding replacement works......."
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Re: Where Are They Now??

Post by steveqpr881 »

No. 6, Bernie Ecclestone.
The nonagenarian (look it up) ex-director was found guilty in the High Court today,
of hiding £400MILLION of assets from HMRC.
He was given a suspended sentence (sadly not suspended by the neck) of 17 months,
and ordered to pay the taxman £653MILLION. :o
Poor old sod, must be down to his last couple of billion....buckets out for Bertie!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Where Are They Now??

Post by steveqpr881 »

Follow-up on Bertie Ecclescake:
the papers are all over this story, but luckily none of them have picked up on his connection to QPR.
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Re: Where Are They Now??

Post by steveqpr881 »

No. 7, Ravel Morrison.
Just fined £1,000 for using a dead man's disabled parking badge!
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Re: Where Are They Now??

Post by steveqpr881 »

No. 8, Danny Cipriani.
Rugby player, celebrity Rs fan & former QPR youth team player.
Will be appearing on the Strictly Ballroom Xmas Special.
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Re: Where Are They Now??

Post by steveqpr881 »

No. 9, Bertie Ecclescake.
There's a new Willy Wonka film out & I wonder if Little Bern will reprise his role
as an Oompa Loompah???
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