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Re: Joke Thread 3.0

Post by steveqpr881 »

Here's a bonus joke ("M'sieu, you are really spoiling us," as the posh bird in the Ferrero Rocher ad used to say)
Just nicked it off Facebook, it's an oldie but a goldie.
An Englishman, an Irishman, a Scotsman, a Welshman, a Chinaman, an American, a Mexican,a German,
a Vietnamese, a Malaysian, an Australian (it can go on for as many countries as you like, but you get the idea)
walked into a night club and the bouncer said -
"Sorry, I can't let you in without a Thai."
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Re: Joke Thread 3.0

Post by steveqpr881 »

They say a cat always lands on it's feet, and when toast is dropped on the floor it always lands buttered side down.
So as an experiment, I threw my neighbour's cat out of the window with a slice of buttered toast strapped to it's back.
And what happened? She set the RSPCA on me. :(

The Burning Question:
Are people with a photographic memory born that way, or does it take time to develop?? :shock:

And finally Ronnie - QPR Rhyming Slang:
Grant Hall - Zoe Ball. Eye thenk-yew.
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Re: Joke Thread 3.0

Post by steveqpr881 »

Went to the pub last night, and I must admit, I had a few.
When I came out, a copper came up to me & said,
"Do you know you're staggering?"
I said, "You're not too bad yourself." :P

Thought For The Day - or is it The Burning Question?? I get confused.... :oops:
Anyway, don't you just hate it when people answer their own questions? I do.
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Re: Joke Thread 3.0

Post by steveqpr881 »

Today is not only National Relaxation Day, it's also National Lemon Meringue Pie Day. :roll:
I've said it before, I'll say it again - WHO DECIDES THIS GUFF ???? :cry:
Anyway, sit back & relax with a nice piece of lemon meringue & enjoy today's ribbed tickler.
No such thing as free lunch? Cobblers!
Only yesterday, I enjoyed a nice meal in a cosy little country pub.
It was only after I'd climbed out of the toilet window that I realised I'd forgotten to pay the bill! 8-)

Interesting Fact:
Olivia Newton-John was 3rd cousin to Ben Elton. yes indeedy.
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Re: Joke Thread 3.0

Post by steveqpr881 »

Now, you all know how much it winds me up, to hear it's national such & such a day
(we should, Steve,you tell us often enough - ed. :roll: )
well, here's one I don't object to - apparently, today is National Tell A Joke Day!
So brace yourselves for a jamboree of jokes, a festival of fun, (we get the idea, get on with it-ed.)
A tortoise was mugged by 2 snails; he went to the cop shop & they asked him what happened
but he said, "I don't really happened so fast."
Q: What's made of leather & sounds like a sneeze? A: A shoe.
Traffic news: a cement mixer has collided with a prison bus.
Police are looking for hardened criminals.
I've just bought a self-help book; Ventriloquism For Dummies.
And the posh bird from the Ferrero Rocher ad said...….
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Re: Joke Thread 3.0

Post by Kerrins »

I went into my local fish and chip shop the other day.

What type of Cod do you have?

We have the ordinary Cod which is £4.00 and the Manchester United Cod which costs £6.00

That's a big difference!!..... Well yes its because the Manchester Utd Cod has been battered.
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Re: Joke Thread 3.0

Post by steveqpr881 »

Can't make it to today's game because of the train strike,
so I rang Steve Russell to order one of his new badges.
He said, "Steve son, you'll have to speak up, I've got jelly & fruit in one ear
and sponge & custard in the other ear; I'm a trifle deaf." :roll:

All this talk about hosepipe bans.....the water in my area is so hard,
the plumbers go around in pairs. :geek:

Been watching the European Games?
A friend of mine's a carpet fitter, he was banned for using stair rods.
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Re: Joke Thread 3.0

Post by steveqpr881 »

They say it'll be wet today, which reminds me of the time I won the
annual Meteorological Competition; I beat the raining champion. :geek:

Top Tip:
Men! Wear your trousers back to front; that way, you'll never get
'caught in your zip' after having a pee. :o

Thought For The Day:
If Geoffrey Boycott became a vegan, what do you think he'd bang on about the most -
coming from Yorkshire, or being a vegan??
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Re: Joke Thread 3.0

Post by steveqpr881 »

And here's a bonus Interesting Fact:
just had to write out today's date, and I noticed it's a palindrome-
Next one isn't until 22nd September.
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Re: Joke Thread 3.0

Post by steveqpr881 »

I see we're over the 10,000 views milestone! :ugeek:

Now it's that time of year when the jokes come in from the Edinburgh Festival.
And, to be honest, I don't think they're that funny;
probably on a par with Tony Blackburn's jokes.
So I'm going to put up one of each, and let you decide.
TB: I was going to tell you a joke about herbs & fish, but this isn't the thyme or the plaice.
EF: I sent a food parcel to my 1st wife; FedEx.

And a new feature: American towns with odd names.
There's a town in the U.S. called Why. And one called Why Not. :o
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